Thursday, January 3, 2013


Wow.... it really is 2013... This is a year that I thought would never  come and now that its here I'm 100% sure that I am NOT ready for it.  As it stands right now 2013 brings the end to my first career after 20+ years, a new baby girl, my oldest graduating high school and heading off to college, and a strong desire to strengthen my relationships with my family, my God, and my friends all while getting and staying in better shape.

- RETIREMENT: I don't consider "military retirement" a retirement, more of a transition, but I am "retiring" from the military and have to find something new to do with myself. I've done everything I know to do. I have enlisted experience, nuclear power experience, leadership experience, a BS in engineering, an MBA and soon a Strategic Communications master's, but this is probably the part of 2013 that scares me the most, more to come.

- BABY: I really thought I/we were done having children after our daughter was born three and a half years ago, but God had other plans. I'm very much looking forward to her arrival, but I am scared to death about being in my 50s when she is a teenager... start praying for me now please.

- OLDEST SON: I can't believe that within a couple of weeks of our daughter's planned arrival, my oldest son will graduate high school. He is such a great kid and young man and has done extremely well in all of his endeavors to this day. He plans to go to my alma mater, which I love, and major in Pharmacy, which is scary to me, because I don't feel I can help him as much as I could if he majored in engineering or business, but we shall see.


  - Strengthening my relationship with my God. I have been so focused on the "right" religion and getting myself right before I start going to church again. I've had friends invite me to particular churches and I always find a reason not to attend, wrong denomination, too many obscure beliefs/rules, or what other people will think about my decision to choose and ultimately take my family to a particular church / religion.  I think that I know I need to attend a church to build strength in my faith and to set the example for my family.  I hope I do the right thing and soon.

  - My family is so important to me and I feel a lot of guilt sometimes when I choose to go to a sporting event or motorcycle ride instead of spending time with my family.  I know every person needs to have different things in their lives, but I believe I need to focus on putting my family first more often.

  - I don't have a lot of friends, nor do I have the personality to be able to treat a large amount of friends appropriately. But I do believe that I have a small group of friends that are more important to me than they know and that is because I don't do a good job of communicating that to them. I really want to improve on this, and possibly add a couple of close friends along the way.

  - My physical fitness has been an issue for a few years now. My excuse has been my career and how many times I don't have time to breathe, let alone dedicate time to physical fitness. However, recently I was told to start taking blood pressure meds or make drastic changes. I have stopped drinking "cold turkey"; tomorrow will be day 90. In this time I haven't changed much else, but I have lost 15 pounds and feel like I can start to add a work out regimen to my days. With a child on the way, I want to be around for a very long time to support all of family in the ways they deserve.

Well here's hoping 2013 is a good year for my family and my friends.  Happy New Year.

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